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CRC - City of Refuge Community, kingdom church portland, spirit filled church portland, five fold church portland

Prophetic Ministry Team

Our prophetic ministry team is led by Mark Wooldridge, his blog is here.

At CRC the Prophetic Ministry Team (PMT) is about creating a Prophetic Culture that will impact the Portland/ Vancouver area for God. The definition of a culture is when people automatically know what to do in a given situation without thinking about it. An example of this is when Americas’ national anthem is played every American knows to stand, cover your heart and honor our nation.

A Prophetic Culture is where we are so accustomed to hearing God’s voice that we instantly recognize it and do what we see Him doing.

Our desire for the PMT at CRC is to not only have an active and accurate Prophetic Culture, but more importantly to have a healthy one. So in addition to training people to hear, see and prophesy we spend a lot of time teaching about character, heart issues, intimacy with God and maintaining a healthy world view that is full of hope, faith and love.

“Every revelation of God has the potential to become an encounter with God. So we are changed by God into a Revelation of God”

The church is only as effective in changing a culture as it is in revealing God to that culture.

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