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CRC - City of Refuge Community, kingdom church portland, spirit filled church portland, five fold church portland

Kingdom Ministries

Rich and Patti Robertson lead our Freedom Ministries team into Columbia River Correctional Institution and South Fork Forest Camp.

To equip the Oregon incarcerated with kingdom truth so recidivism is drastically reduced.

That all would come to know Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and develop an intimate relationship with them.


Worship over performance
God's presence over programs
Honor over control
Covenant relationships over individualism
Kingdom gospel over salvation alone
Equipping and discipleship over spoon-feeding
Unity of the Spirit over doctrinal agreement
Individual integrity over great ability
Redeemed identity over great ministry
Ethnic mix of people honoring one another
Spiritual empowerment of every child


To equip those incarcerated and released to:
Know who God says they are and live out of that truth
Know they are seated in heavenly places so they live from a Kingdom perspective
Discover and walk in their destiny
Become more mature in God through ongoing bible studies
Develop a personal, intimate relationship with God
Learn to enjoy the life God has given them
Discover their gifts

For specifics, we want to:

1. Grow our volunteer base to include everyone at CRC in some way, shape, or form.

2. Start a Celebrate Recovery group.

3. Start small groups for encouragement and equipping.

4. Grow our list of trained mentors.

5. Discover all available resources (food, clothes, bus passes, etc.) in the area.

6. Build a pen-pal ministry.

7. Buy and operate many transition homes.

© Copyright City of Refuge Community, all rights preserved.

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